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Apply to multiple jobs with a single click
As an unregistered jobseeker, you have to fill a form every time you apply for a job. But, applying for your dream job will not take much time as a registered job seeker. Since you would have already added all your information in ‘My Jobs Avenue’ Job Profile page, you will get recommended jobs as per your skill sets and preferences. You can apply to these jobs with a single click.
Access unadvertised jobs is widely used by recruiters and head hunters to meet their hiring needs. As you might know, not every job opportunity is posted on the internet publicly. In fact, most of the best opportunities are never posted on any job board or newspaper.
For these unadvertised and niche jobs, recruiters personally get in touch with jobseekers. So, if you are a registered job seeker on, you are likely to be contacted by recruiters personally for thousands of such unadvertised job opportunities. Make your profile visible to over 2.5 lakh recruiters by becoming a part of our database!
Get best jobs delivered to your inbox
As a registered member, you will receive the best set of jobs, which match your criteria. This list is customized for you, as per your current work profile, preferred location, and future aspirations. But before we can do so, please tell us more about your career preferences.
Track job applications
You can track the status of your job application. You can clearly see recruiter responses against total applications sent out. This gives a clear idea about progress made by your resume.
Apply for jobs from your mobile
Now you don’t have to be connected to your laptop to apply for the job you always wanted. Our mobile site and App let registered members apply for jobs from their mobile phone or handheld device – anywhere, anytime!
365 days, 24/7 support, any time.

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Get JobsAvenue App for your mobile
Searching for jobs never been that easy. Now you can find job matched your career expectation, apply for jobs and receive feedback right on your mobile. Get JobsAvenue mobile app and start your job search now!